The nine patch quilt block is a favorite among quilters. It's easy and so versatile. Come along and learn how to make a 9 patch quilt block.
Quilt blocks can be made in many sizes. For this tutorial, we're making a 9" block. The nine patch block is based on a 3x3 grid. We're going to sew 9 squares of the same size together in 3 rows of 3 squares each.
You need:
(9) 3 1/2" squares

Let's say that the red squares on the corners and the center square are fabric A. Let's say the remaining beige squares are fabric B.
Sew the top row
With right sides together (RST), sew the top row of squares (A + B + A) using 1/4" seam. Set the seam by pressing it.
Press seams toward fabric A
So that the seams match up & nest properly, press each seam toward fabric A.
Sew the middle row
Now, with RST sew the middle row of squares together (B + A + B).
Press seams toward fabric A
Press to set, then press seams again toward fabric A so that seams match up correctly and nest when sewing units together.
Sew the bottom row
Finally, with RST, sew the bottom row of squares (A + B + A).
Press seams toward fabric A
So that the seams match up & nest properly, again press to set, then press each seam toward fabric A just as you did in the previous rows.
Each row should measure 3 1/2" x 9 1/2".
Assemble block
Now that you have three units, sew the rows together to make a 9 patch block. Make sure to properly match all seams. It's much easier to match seams if you nest them.
Here's a close-up photo of a 9 patch with properly nested seams.
The finished block should be 9 1/2" x 9 1/2".